Comfort Zone works with partners across the nation to bring expert grief support to communities with specific bereaved loss types. Comfort Zone’s partnership collaborations include:
A Little Hope Foundation, Inc.
One three-day program for children and young adults who have experienced a parent, sibling, or guardian death by suicide, as well as a joint program for parents and guardians, and a second three-day program for children who have experienced the death of a parent, guardian, or sibling by any loss type.
By the Bay Health
A three-day program for children who have experienced the death of a parent, sibling, guardian, close relative, or friend who were part of the By the Bay Health Community.
Intermountain Healthcare
A three-day program for children who have experienced the death of a parent, guardian, and/or sibling who are part of The Bradley Center or The Sharing Place community in Utah.
The Mark Wandall Foundation
A three-day program for children who have experienced the death of a parent, sibling, or guardian. This program also has a Young Adult Retreat component.
National Fallen Firefighter Foundation
A three-day camp program for children who have had a parent, sibling, or guardian die in the line of duty and has been honored at the National Fallen Firefighter Memorial in Emmetsburg, Maryland.
OneLegacy Foundation
A three-day program for children who have experienced the death of a significant person who was an organ, eye, or tissue donor through OneLegacy.