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Family Testimonial: Little Buddy Malachi

Malachi at camp with his big buddy!

As a testimony to CZC and their commitment to those that have lost loved ones, I’d like to spotlight our grandson Malachi, at 1st time camper in the summer of 2023.

His father died a few months after he was born due to brain cancer. Malachi then lost his mother (our daughter) in 2020 due to a fentanyl overdose. He was 6 years old at the time and did not express grief as one might expect. He did show anger at times directed at my wife and I when we did what parents do to give his life structure; baths, brushing teeth, bedtime, room cleaning, putting toys away, and so forth. 

After attending camp, he began to talk about his mother, in very short conversations. He told us we could not bring up his mom unless he started the conversation. We’re OK with that. That’s the back story. Now the spotlight.

When school began this year, Malachi would come home telling us of this kid that was bullying other kids in school and how it bothered him and how he wanted to “fix” the problem. He always wants to aid the underdogs. “No, Malachi, that’s not how to deal with the problem.” was my answer. I explained that bullies tend to have bad home life experiences that cause them to bully in school. He then said he heard that both his parents had died. “Well, you can relate to that. Why don’t you have a talk with him and see how he feels.” I told him.

Malachi came home from school the next day in a very good mood. He said he talked to the boy and found out that his dad had passed away the year before in an accident. His mother was still alive but is terminal. They have been friends ever since and the boy no longer picks on any kids. They talk quite often. Malachi recently told me this boy is to be adopted because his mom has to go into a hospice and there are no other relatives that can take care of him. The boy is really excited and happy as he wants a family environment. Malachi is happy for him.

But, wait, there’s more. Sadly, a friend and classmate died suddenly last week from meningitis. Malachi was shocked, but asked if he could attend Noah’s funeral. We did. He told the parents how sorry he was and offered any help they might need. To our surprise, Noah’s parents both knew Malachi and how Noah spoke highly of him. I held back my tears.

There’s even more. Malachi said that just this week, a new girl came into his class that had lost both her parents. He has already reached out to her to befriend her and make her feel comfortable in school. Not bad for a boy that will turn 10 on April 1st!

We told him he was accepted to CZC to go 4 days after his birthday. He’s very excited. For this, we say Thank You!

Please keep up the fantastic work that we believe God led you to do.

(Submitted By Malachi’s Grandfather, Fred Everett)

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