2025 Camp Registration Is Open! Register For Camp Now.

Volunteer Roles

Volunteers are the life blood of Comfort Zone Camp – our camps could not happen without a large community of volunteers. And, as each year our services grow, so does our need for volunteers at camp, and outside of camp.

We do not exclude staff or volunteers with disabilities. However, because the role of a volunteer can sometimes be emotionally and physically strenuous, we expect that any person volunteering at Comfort Zone will have the ability to supervise and provide safety for our campers.

We require that all camp volunteers attend a six-hour training prior to volunteering to gain a better understanding of childhood bereavement and volunteer expectations.

For camp weekends, volunteers need to be available from 2:30 p.m. on Friday to 4 p.m. on Sunday, unless they are assigned a Floater role.



Active adults who can give a weekend of their time to camp are needed to fill our Big Buddy role. Each child is paired one-to-one with a Big Buddy volunteer based on the same gender, interests and hobbies. Big Buddies serve as the child’s role model, mentor and anchor for the weekend and take part in all aspects of camp along side their camper, or Little Buddy.

Big and Little Buddies eat meals together, play games and participate in Healing CirclesSM, which are support groups led by licensed therapists. As a Big Buddy, volunteers will be asked to run, jump, climb and lift. The Big Buddy role is the most intensive volunteer role, but often the most rewarding. Big Buddies do not have to have experienced a loss, but simply know how to listen, be supportive and have fun.


Licensed mental health professionals with experience facilitating support groups, working with children and addressing grief issues are needed to lead our Healing CirclesSM. Our Healing CirclesSM are age-based grief support groups that meet multiple times over the weekend. Healing Circle Leaders will have the same Healing CircleSM group all weekend, and will be asked to participate in the challenge course with their group.


Healing Circle Assistants are responsible for aiding the Healing Circle Leaders and offering support for the Big Buddies in their assigned Healing CircleSM. Once at camp, Healing Circle Assistants are responsible for organizing their group’s supplies, working with the Healing Circle Leaders to discuss materials needed, and helping supervise the campers during Big Buddy break and evening staff meetings.


Two registered nurses are needed onsite for the entire camp weekend (including overnight), to assist with any medical needs and to administer prescription medications to the campers. Camp Nurses must be available during camper registration to review and collect camper medications and dosages.


Jr. Counselors must be at least 15 years old. Jr. Counselors serve as the bridge between the campers and adults, act as role models for the campers, and participate in all camp activities. They are assigned to a Healing CircleSM all weekend and assist Comfort Zone Camp staff, Big Buddies and Healing Circle Leaders. Also, Jr. Counselors assist with supervising campers during Big Buddy break, evening staff meetings and in the cabins. Jr. Counselors do not have to have experienced a loss, but must serve as mature yet fun-loving role models for the campers.


Floaters assist behind the scenes at camp, helping with volunteer and camper registration, setting up certain camp activities and more. Floaters assist with supervising the campers during Big Buddy break and evening staff meetings. Floaters may be assigned for a day, an entire weekend or certain hours, based on our needs.


The Camp Photographer takes professional quality, candid pictures throughout the weekend as well as posed Big and Little Buddy photos for each camper to take home on Sunday. The Camp Photographer is responsible for bringing their own equipment, and creating a slideshow for the final day of camp. Note: all photos remain the property of Comfort Zone, not the photographer.

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Comfort Zone also relies on volunteer assistance outside of camp, including:

SCREENERS – Screeners assist the local intake coordinator with phone interviews with parents and guardians of campers. These phone interviews determine if Comfort Zone Camp is a good fit for the children at the time. A mental health background is required for all screeners.

OFFICE ASSISTANCE – Help organize files, prepare mailings and assist with other general office work.

CAMP PREPARATION – Preparing for camp by helping organize camper name tags, making grocery store runs, packing and counting inventory for the Camp Store.

COMMITTEE OR BOARD MEMBERS – Serve on Comfort Zone Committees or Boards. Event support – Help with event planning, preparation, set up and execution (Fall Bash, Golf Tournament, Grief Relief Gala, etc).

ADVOCATES – Share Comfort Zone in your community by distributing Comfort Zone information, or speaking about Comfort Zone in front of organizations for which you are a member.

If you have any questions about a specific role, contact Comfort Zone at info@comfortzonecamp.org.