2025 Camp Registration Is Open! Register For Camp Now.

Ways To Give


An estimated 1 out of 14 children in the U.S. will experience the death of a parent or sibling before they reach the age of 18. Over 5.2 million children are bereaved, and the number more than doubles by age 25, to 13.2 million. Comfort Zone gives these children a place where they can be around other kids and adults that get it while learning valuable coping skills to use in their everyday lives. Death often brings a financial burden, which is why we provide camps, support groups, and travel scholarships free of charge.


online_icon ONLINE:

Donate now with your debit or credit card using our secure server.

mail_icon MAIL:

Mail a check or money order to:

Comfort Zone Camp 6606 W. Broad Street, Suite 401
Richmond, VA 23230

call_icon CALL:

Call us to make a donation by phone with your debit or credit card.

(804) 377-3430


Fundraise Your Way

Bring your fundraising vision to life and give a grieving child the healing power of Comfort Zone Camp! You will be provided with a webpage to collect donations, plus fundraising support on how to reach your goal. When you reach your fundraising goal, you will be rewarded with exclusive Comfort Zone Camp swag you can’t get anywhere else!

Start Your Fundraiser
Matching Gifts

Did you know thousands of companies match donations by employees to our organization? Search for your employer here!

Double Your Donation
The Giving Zone

You can make a monthly difference in a grieving child’s life by joining The Giving Zone! Your monthly gift will provide ongoing support to grieving children and make a lasting impact no matter the amount.

Become a Monthly Giver
Memorial Fund

Create a memorial fund in honor of someone who has touched your life. Your fund includes a webpage that you can personalize with photos, videos and stories. The webpage provides an opportunity for others to make a donation online on behalf of the honoree.

Create a Memorial
Planned Giving

Make a lasting impact in a grieving child’s life by including a provision in your will or estate plans to support Comfort Zone Camp. As you consider your goals for the future, you may want to explore ways to continue your support of the Comfort Zone Camp through a planned gift in your will or estate plan. Many of these gifts will not only further the work of the Comfort Zone, but will also feature benefits to you, such as tax savings or increased income in your retirement years.

For information, bequest language and additional planning resources, contact us at info@comfortzonecamp.org

Contact Us
Giving Circle

The Giving Circle Membership Society is our way of saying thank you for your commitment to at least one child who will have the opportunity to go to camp because of your generosity.

Join the Giving Circle
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$2,500Supports the cost of training 100 volunteers.

$1,600Will send two (2) children to camp.

$800Will send one (1) child to camp.

$250Provides art therapy for a camp weekend.

$100Provides a travel scholarship for 1 child.

$50Supports supplies for a Healing Circle.